It is time for the biblical interpretation of the Nehushtan, the Rod with the Brazen Serpent, to be unveiled. See Christianity Today’s article titled, “Vaccine Debates Are Responsible for 2021’s Fastest-Growing Bible Search Term: Sorcery” written 12/2. In response to their article, the Intercessors for America responded with this article on 12/18, “What is Pharmakeia Anyway?” with 19,000 views during the first day of publication. Even non-Christian new age writers are interested on this topic, see “The Asklepion (Healing Center) at Pergamum, Turkey” on the Greek healing cults.
These conversations are taking place not only during the vaccine debates, but also amid a big shift in big pharmacy litigation in the Opioid Crisis. Something huge is happening, just take a look at these landmark cases. See CVS, Walgreens and Walmart Fueled Opioid Crisis, Jury Finds — The New York Times, Purdue Pharma: Federal judge rejects settlement of opioid lawsuits over legal protections for members of Sackler family — CNN, and books such as Dr Anna Lembke’s Drug Dealer MD and Hulu’s new series called Dopesick. Clearly, malicious actors who cursed America with today’s opioid epidemic are being held accountable. Yet there is a temptation to through the baby out with the bathwater.
With Christianity Today leaning left and IFA leaning right, it is clear the body of Christ is in need of serious understand the historical and symbolic relevance of the Rod with the Brazen Serpent, in order to not go down ignorant dismissiveness or paranoid rabbit holes. More importantly, Christian doctors oblivious to these conversations in the church, need to seriously consider the relationship of their work and their faith. Also our new Addiction Medicine Section, at the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, hopes to help the church navigate through this with wisdom, rationality, and spiritual discernment.