The Nehushtan: A new professional Medical Blog for 2017 and Beyond
Regardless of one’s political leanings, 2016 marked a significant global transition point in the course of our lifetimes and arguably human history generally. Whether one is hopeful, sorrowful or bitter, I hope this blog will be a refreshing, elevating and ultimately healing space in the year ahead and beyond. My ultimate goal as a physician is to promote the World Health Organization’s conception of health as a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” for systems, communities and most especially my patients. With a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Southern California, I use the widest conceptual lens possible to understand the problems facing the health of individuals and society. As a soon-to-be physician, I use the clearest lens of my patient relationships to understand the sorrows and joys of the human experience. By combining the highest abstract and narrowest pragmatic perspectives into this blog, I hope to transcend the “Post-Truth” rut we fell into in 2016 while learning and growing alongside my readers.
2016 will leave behind my old “A Two Talent Journey” blog that has served me well from May of 2012-Dec 2016 with over 600 posts and 11,629 views. In its stead, I hope to fill these pages with rich content to benefit my communities, friends, family and patients. I will be limiting post length to 2–3 paragraphs and developing diverse categories of posts, such as educational medical vignettes, myth busters, commentaries, and creative fiction, visual and even Vlog posts! I look forward to building a deep and enriching experience with you and will always enjoy talking further over coffee or good food.
To welcome in the New Year, I’d like to share University of Toronto clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson’s “A New Years Letter to the World”. He’s an intriguing Canadian whose health has been waning. He wrote a peculiar book title “Maps of Meaning” in 1999 in an effort to understand the archetype of belief in order to prevent authoritarian genocidal ideologies. Here is a short heart-felt video he made that attempts to summarize his entire career and life’s work.
Happy New Year!
With love and respect, Warren